Christ The King Catholic School

Christ The King Catholic School

Let the love of God shine through us by smiling and being gentle

Welcome to Hazel Class!

Our class teacher is Mrs Butler

Our TA is Miss WIlcox.

Key information:

Tuesday is Forest School and children need to come to school in their own clothes and trainers. They will need waterproofs and wellies or boots.

Thursday is PE and children need to come to school in their PE kit.

Please check your child’s communication book each day for any additional messages.

Children are welcome to bring a snack for breaktime as well as a water bottle.


Each child has a Times Tables Rockstars log in to practice times table at home and also a Spelling Shed log in to practice spelling. We would like the children to log on and practice times tables and spellings 3 times each week.

We send a reading book home for children to practice at home. Please ensure these are brought to school each day.




Hazel Class Learning

Spring Term 1





Multiplication and Division.


Some children join mainstream classes for maths each day.


Fiction: The Extraordinary Gardener.

Pig the Pug

Leo and the Octopus

Non-Fiction: I am the seed that grew.


Plants – Light and Dark


Forest School


Design and Technology


Make a puppet



Galilee to Jerusalem


Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?



How am I making history?